Friday, February 18, 2011

Where did this idea come from?

I find it fitting to make the first blog on this page to describe where the idea for "stilettos and teething rings" came from. After being together as a couple for over a decade, my husband and I decided to expand our family and recently gave birth to our handsome son. What a transition! Parenthood totally rocks but my husband and I wanted to make sure we were still investing into our couple relationship. So, we went out for date night. We got all dressed up and had a wonderful night on the town together. Of course, I wore a beautiful pair of silver stilettos and when I got home I was ready to kick those shoes off as soon as I walked through the door! The next morning, while feeding my son breakfast, my husband walks into the kitchen and says that he has the cover picture for the book I want to write about balancing all of the chaos of life. He showed me the picture and I was floored - it was perfect. It was a picture of my silver stiletto and, inside it, my son's teething ring. If that does not sum up the craziness that is the life of new mother, wife, grad student, daughter, sister, therapist, friend, etc., I don't know what else does. It totally made my day.

Since then, I have sat on the idea. This phrase "stilettos and teething rings" has helped me through some rough days and has jolted my creatve juices.

I only recently learned how to blog (this is only my second blog ever!). But I think this is a wonderful outlet to share the chaos that occurs in life and how to make the best out of it. Thus, I have created this website to share how crazy and fun life can be. Enjoy :)