Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Life as a grad student and mother

I hate Tuesdays. Of all of the days of the week, this is the day where I have what feels like thousands of meetings and client sessions. I leave home super early and get home super late. It is on Tuesdays when I feel like I am missing out on all of the wonderous parenting experiences with my son.

Today is Tuesday. I woke up dreading the day. Why does it have to be Tuesday?! But my morning went much better than usual. My husband did not have work today so he and my son took me to work. It was nice to spend those extra few minutes with them. As always, I needed my morning pick-me-up so we stopped at Starbucks to get a couple coffees. My son, who turns 10 months old this week, enjoys going to the coffee shop with me. He usually gets a special treat like a bite of coffee cake or a yummy juicebox. recently, each time we go, I've made sure to get him a juicebox. Well, this morning, we went through the drive-thru and I totally forgot the juicebox. After getting my coffee, and as I was pulling away from Starbucks, my child, poor guy, became fussing and crying - yes, crying real tears! He really wanted his juicebox. I stopped and went in to get him a juicebox. Boy, was he the happiest little guy when I got back to the car with his juicebox. He is so cute :) I can't beleive I already have him addicted to Starbucks. Having this experience with him today toally made my day. I feel ready to tackle whatever this Tuesday has to dish out.