Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Holy Moses! How Time Flies

This is typical. I have not posted on this blog for....let's just say holy Moses, how time flies! It is amazing to me that my son will turn 2 years old in just two months. It is also amazing that I have still not began analyzing my data for my dissertation. How is this possible? I am one of those people who likes to shoot for the stars. What this means, in reality, is that I like to overcommit myself! I created a dissertation project that is simply ridiculous and will undoubtedly find myself super overwhelmed in the next couple of months as I try to finish my dissertation by August (or June if at all possible). I really wonder how this will impact my little guy...
In my own defense, it is not that I haven't been tryingto get my data. That's right, I still don't have data to analyze! So, as soon as I get some data I will be able to move forward. There is no worse feeling in the world (as a grad student anyway) than feeling stuck in one place, without any power to move forward. It's bullshit actually. Why didn't I just conduct  secondary data analysis???
Being a grad student is not just about writing this dissertation either. Job applications....yeah, "they" say applying for jobs is a full-time job in and of itself. Boy, they are not lying! It is amazing to me the amount of time that each application requires. AND while "they" say that my CV is impressive I am literally not even close to eligible for an academic (faculty) position. I say this based on my stack of rejection letters - yeah, there is not acceptance letter pile yet. So, right now I am overly resenting academia for the ridiculous requirements set forth that force us to be away from our families. How dos this make sense?
One of the biggest anxieties I have surrounding all of this grad student stuff is that my family is relying on me to be successful I mean finish up this dissertation, graduate, and get a decent paying job....all within the next 4-7 months. That is a ton of pressure. At the same time, I am the parent of a toddler, who is relying on me a great deal each and every day. How do you balance it all?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Life as a grad student and mother

I hate Tuesdays. Of all of the days of the week, this is the day where I have what feels like thousands of meetings and client sessions. I leave home super early and get home super late. It is on Tuesdays when I feel like I am missing out on all of the wonderous parenting experiences with my son.

Today is Tuesday. I woke up dreading the day. Why does it have to be Tuesday?! But my morning went much better than usual. My husband did not have work today so he and my son took me to work. It was nice to spend those extra few minutes with them. As always, I needed my morning pick-me-up so we stopped at Starbucks to get a couple coffees. My son, who turns 10 months old this week, enjoys going to the coffee shop with me. He usually gets a special treat like a bite of coffee cake or a yummy juicebox. recently, each time we go, I've made sure to get him a juicebox. Well, this morning, we went through the drive-thru and I totally forgot the juicebox. After getting my coffee, and as I was pulling away from Starbucks, my child, poor guy, became fussing and crying - yes, crying real tears! He really wanted his juicebox. I stopped and went in to get him a juicebox. Boy, was he the happiest little guy when I got back to the car with his juicebox. He is so cute :) I can't beleive I already have him addicted to Starbucks. Having this experience with him today toally made my day. I feel ready to tackle whatever this Tuesday has to dish out.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Where did this idea come from?

I find it fitting to make the first blog on this page to describe where the idea for "stilettos and teething rings" came from. After being together as a couple for over a decade, my husband and I decided to expand our family and recently gave birth to our handsome son. What a transition! Parenthood totally rocks but my husband and I wanted to make sure we were still investing into our couple relationship. So, we went out for date night. We got all dressed up and had a wonderful night on the town together. Of course, I wore a beautiful pair of silver stilettos and when I got home I was ready to kick those shoes off as soon as I walked through the door! The next morning, while feeding my son breakfast, my husband walks into the kitchen and says that he has the cover picture for the book I want to write about balancing all of the chaos of life. He showed me the picture and I was floored - it was perfect. It was a picture of my silver stiletto and, inside it, my son's teething ring. If that does not sum up the craziness that is the life of new mother, wife, grad student, daughter, sister, therapist, friend, etc., I don't know what else does. It totally made my day.

Since then, I have sat on the idea. This phrase "stilettos and teething rings" has helped me through some rough days and has jolted my creatve juices.

I only recently learned how to blog (this is only my second blog ever!). But I think this is a wonderful outlet to share the chaos that occurs in life and how to make the best out of it. Thus, I have created this website to share how crazy and fun life can be. Enjoy :)